Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique used primarily in
medical settings to produce high quality images of the inside of the human
body. MRI is based on the principles of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), a
spectroscopic technique used by scientists to obtain microscopic chemical and
physical information about molecules. The technique was called magnetic
resonance imaging rather than nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI) because
of the negative connotations associated with the word nuclear in the late
1970's. MRI started out as a tomographic imaging technique, that is it produced
an image of the NMR signal in a thin slice through the human body. MRI has
advanced beyond a tomographic imaging technique to a volume imaging technique.
This package presents a comprehensive picture of the basic principles of MRI.
Before beginning a study of the science of MRI, it will be helpful to reflect
on the brief history of MRI.
Felix Bloch and Edward Purcell,
both of whom were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1952, discovered the magnetic
resonance phenomenon independently in 1946. In the period between 1950 and
1970, NMR was developed and used for chemical and physical molecular analysis.

In 1971 Raymond Damadian showed that the nuclear magnetic relaxation times
of tissues and tumors differed, thus motivating scientists to consider magnetic
resonance for the detection of disease.
In 1973 the x-ray-based
computerized tomography (CT) was introduced by Hounsfield.
This date is important to the MRI
timeline because it showed hospitals were willing to spend large amounts of
money for medical imaging hardware. Magnetic resonance imaging was first
demonstrated on small test tube samples that same year by Paul Lauterbur.
He used a back projection
technique similar to that used in CT. In 1975 Richard Ernst proposed magnetic
resonance imaging using phase and frequency encoding, and the Fourier
This technique is the basis of
current MRI techniques. A few years later, in 1977, Raymond Damadian
demonstrated MRI called field-focusing nuclear magnetic resonance. In this same
year, Peter Mansfield developed the echo-planar imaging (EPI) technique.
This technique will be developed
in later years to produce images at video rates (30 ms / image).

Edelstein and coworkers demonstrated imaging of the body using Ernst's
technique in 1980. A single image could be acquired in approximately five
minutes by this technique. By 1986, the imaging time was reduced to about five
seconds, without sacrificing too much image quality. The same year people were
developing the NMR microscope, which allowed approximately 10 mm resolution on approximately one cm
samples. In 1987 echo-planar imaging was used to perform real-time movie
imaging of a single cardiac cycle.
In this same year Charles Dumoulin
was perfecting magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), which allowed imaging of
flowing blood without the use of contrast agents. 

In 1991, Richard Ernst was rewarded for his achievements in pulsed Fourier
Transform NMR and MRI with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In 1992 functional MRI
(fMRI) was developed.
This technique allows the mapping
of the function of the various regions of the human brain. Five years earlier
many clinicians thought echo-planar imaging's primary applications was to be in
real-time cardiac imaging. The development of fMRI opened up a new application for
EPI in mapping the regions of the brain responsible for thought and motor
control. In 1994, researchers at the State University of New York at Stony
Brook and Princeton
University demonstrated
the imaging of hyperpolarized 129Xe gas for respiration studies. 

In 2003, Paul C. Lauterbur of the University
of Illinois and Sir Peter Mansfield of
the University of
Nottingham were awarded
the Nobel Prize in Medicine for their discoveries concerning magnetic resonance
imaging. MRI is clearly a young, but growing science.
Opportunities in MRI
In 2003, there were approximately 10,000 MRI units worldwide, and
approximately 75 million MRI scans per year performed. As the field of MRI
continues to grow, so do the opportunities in MRI.
There will always be a need for radiologists trained in MRI to read the
magnetic resonance images. A radiologist is a medical doctor that has
specialized in the field of radiology. The need is expected to grow so much
that there will be and increased use of Radiology Practitioner Assistants and
Radiology Physician Assistants.
An MRI technologist is an individual that operates the MRI scanner to obtain
the images that a radiologist prescribes. Based on the number of current MRI
systems, it is estimated that there will be a constant need for over 1000 MRI
technologists per year. A good resource for MRI technologists is the Society
for Magnetic Resonance Technologists (SMRT).
Two new specialist positions have recently evolved in MRI: the post
processing technologist and the health safety specialist. The MRI post processing
technologist applies various post processing algorithms to magnetic resonance
images to either extract more information from or enable better visualization
of information in magnetic resonance images. An MRI health safety specialist
assists hospitals and clinics in setting up and maintaining a safe MRI system.
Because of the complexity of the MRI system, there will always be a need for
MRI service technicians. Service technicians are hired by both the MRI
manufacturers and some larger sites to keep the MRI system operating properly.
MRI service technicians usually have a BS or associates degree in electrical
technology and a good knowledge of MRI.
In any field, there will be a need for scientists trained in the basic
sciences of chemistry, biology, and physics to perform basic research and push
back the frontiers of the science. Some specific needs for these scientists
include contrast agent and molecular imaging development, and advanced imaging
pulse sequence design. These individuals typically have an advanced degree in
their respective field and have had significant training in MRI. A good
resource for scientists is the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in
Medicine (ISMRM).
Biomedical engineers and material scientists are needed for MRI subsystem
development. One of these subsystems where continued demand is seen is imaging
coil development. An emerging area requiring many skilled individuals is the
development of MRI compatible devices. These devices include pacemakers,
defibrillators, surgical clips and pins, and catheters. Many of these devices
will require discoveries at the molecular level, such as biocompatible
antireflective coatings for pacemaker wires and strong non metallic synthetic
joints and pins.
Imaging scientists are needed for algorithm development for post processing
of magnetic resonance images, and intelligent code for identifying and
diagnosing pathology. Computer scientists are still needed to design user
friendly efficient graphical user interfaces (GUI) for newly developed
Lastly, there is a need for architects to design safe and efficient MRI
centers and clinics. The Basics of MRI is a good starting place for all the
above individuals interested in starting their training in pursuit of a career
in MRI or a related field.
If you are interested in one of these professions, familiarize yourself with
the profession and MRI. Explore various options for obtaining the education
needed for the profession.
Currently, there are approximately six major clinical MRI original equipment
manufacturers (OEMs). In addition to these clinical OEMs, there are two major
experimental MRI OEMs. Other MRI related subsystem manufacturers include RF
coil, contrast agents, compatible devices, RF amps, and magnets. The following
tables contain the names of some of the major manufacturers of these devices.
Click on the name for an external link to the company. Because they are links
external to The Basics of MRI, they are subject to change.
We accept Medicare and Medicaid patients. Mansfield MRI